Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Beware, Cyber ​​Violence on the Rise

Tremendous technological advancements, it has a negative impact no less fierce. The Internet is one that is often associated with criminal acts to others. Children and youth are an easy target allegedly negative impact internet.

The research team BeatBullying (an institute of protection of victims of violenceinternet) discovered new facts about the violence on the Internet (cyberspace) that from year to year increase. Violence in cyberspace is generally the case in social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Any type of violence range from verbal abuse to sexual harassment. According to the website KnowTheNet, most victims of internet abuse is a 19-year-old adolescents. 

Reportedly there are about 90 percent of teens become the target of violence at the site Mark Zuckerberg's masterpiece. The rest was abused on Twitter.Reported by ITV, Friday (15/03/2013), they generally abused online and offline. As many as 65 percent of adolescents exposed to violence through offline and only a fraction of a percent who dare to report to authorities.

CEO BeatBullying Emma Jane Cross, said many teens are reluctant to report the violence they have experienced over the internet because of fear."Violence on the Internet both online and offline will have a major impact on adolescents, particularly mental and psychological development such as depression, low self-esteem," explains Emma.

In fact, according to Emma, ​​violence in cyberspace or cyberbullying can also cause the teens to commit suicide. "It's because they do not hold the burden of stress," he concluded.Therefore the role of the parent is expected to provide guidance and restrictions on internet usage. When there is supervision and education of parents, expected adverse impact can be understood children and as early as possible avoided.

Although it is true, as reported by the Telegraph, the researchers found that older generations felt its role was replaced by Google, Wikipedia, and YouTube. This resulted in the children or grandchildren they no longer ask basic questions.

According to a survey conducted by Ofcom, revealed many of the older generation of children today are rarely willing to listen to advice and ask basic things about domestic affairs.

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